Yes the big christening took place yesterday 16th of November 08, check out my FLICKR account for additional photos there are loads to choose from.
We were pleased with everything, the church, the service, the godfathers and godmothers, 6 in total, friend Paul from the UK, Raul next door neighbour and friend, Anns sister Karen and brother GaGa and cousin PinPin and friend Nilda, wife of Rene. All splendid and in attendance.
The service was fairly short, with about 10 children also being baptised, Annika slept through the service but stirred into life when the christening water was poured over her head, it was more than a trickle. Loads of photos at the church and then back for our house party, it was a shame everyone in the UK could not be there, as there was fantastic food and drink, about 60 people plus kids turned up, at least 30 kids all in the pool for hours, singing and dancing later on as the beer kicked in and then everyone to bed early, because we were all shattered, me soon after 9pm was the last to bed. Tired today, very tired, managed to raise myself for tennis this morning, although a tired game...Mum spectated, knock up only.
Glad the big event went well, great occasion marked with style.
Me and Dan (Vernon) have just been having a look through the pictures on here and flikr, Annika is so gorgeous! I'd really love to meet her! Any plans for a trip over here? Send all my love to Ann xxx
Em xx
p.s Hi Grandma! xx
Hi Em and Dan
you will have to come here to meet annika, seriously come on over, you will love it here...i plan to come back next year june to see everyone inc my dad, jim and lu of course, sorry because of travel and expense in the new period of financial crisis any trip home for sproggs will be delayed, thanks for looking at pictures and commenting, good to hear from you and all the very best
uncle rick xx
Em and Dan
A really good offer here of some travel, for people who like travel.....
philippines is a great place to visit, it really is very friendly for tourists who don't mind roughing it a bit...did i say a bit, no i mean a lot, anyway our place here is open to you of course its not rough its great, so, you could do both? you would be most welcome, you know that Em
rick xx
Hi Rick,
Sorry for the late reply, I'm getting used to this blog thing, I had no idea that you'd replied! I would absolutely love to come over and meet Annika and see the philippines too. I don't need to ask Dan to know he'd feel the same way! The pictures of the area you live in look gorgeous, very jealous of how relaxed you all look!
Lots of love
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