yes lost the bloody car keys and that was the last event of a successful morning that turned pear shaped. No idea where i lost them, except for where we had been, so, dashed round looking at places, till i ran out of ideas, then taxi home with mum, taxi back without mum and then further hunt and drive home with spare keys. Aaaaghhh
Before that the day had started well, we went with friend Paul to 'friends of Mindanao" meeting, see photo., Mum is a friend of Mindanao. The head spoeaker was Bong Domingo who talked interestingly and professionally about herbs and spices grown in your own garden. I did an update speech on collecting cash for the christmas party, the speach went ok, the cash collection, less so but we will get there.
Then a trip to immigration department for me with Mum coming along, friendly guard allowed her photo to be taken with Mum, all successful there but loads of forms to fill in and some more fees to be paid, finger printing to be done, and waiting for "alien" registration card, then its only a question of appearing every year to register, to apply for full time visa after 1 years probation and then...well, etc etc, you get the picture.
Bit sick about loosing the keys, will have to replace, that will be expensive....aaagh oh well, see ya
Rick, keys have a habit of turning up, don't give up. Thanks for this blog, days are passing......
i will try again today to find them
You found them!
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