Morning after "Friends of Mindanao" quiz night held in al's diner. Al runs his diner (American bar and burger) and hands all profits to his own charitable association that buys computers for schools. A jolly quiz with questions as Al said of interesting trivia, eg) a word to rhyme with orange? (there isn't one). Bites have calmed down, hope the nippers stay away. You can see from the pictrures "my apartment" is lovely. the lounge area by the pool, comfy big bed and wee small bathroom and shower. query, my retirem,ent home? only joking rick, glad to hear Dad is coping - bet he's enjoying the extra fuss, watchout for frost bites - don't get those here. Lots of love to everybody. Mum
Good work mum, you look cosy on the bed, I hope to be trying it out soon. Me and Liz have been to the Hook branch of the family over the last couple of days, glad to see that all branches are being explored. Love Andy
she got this one andy
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