The photos are of Mum in Eden before the rain...of Germaine and Lizelle our 2 lovely girls laughing as they had been trying to avoid the camera and then Ann and her Mum at breakfast, Mum still in her pit in the extension behind.......
On Tuesday 28th Oct Mum and i went to eden nature park, its like a part natural, part cultivated park in mt apo national park, foot hills, quite beautiful really but we chose the wrong day to go, weather looked promissing and had a nice drive through rural areas with increasingly spectacular views getting there. Unfortunately, after a drink and a snack when we were mooching around the place it started to drizzle. At first we toughed it out but it got heavier and worse still. After half an hour of sheltering at a comfortable terrace area we abandoned the visit. Walking back to the car was a soaking experience, we were washed out, i took off my shirt and got wet, mum just got wet all over, no avoiding it at all, the park lost its magic after that and so we set offf home. Half an hour home and at the bottom of the mountain, it was bone dry.
In our early walk round eden we were locating a nature trail and were descending a steep flight of steps to a gulley which looked interesting and tropical. There was a handrail and it was drizzling and slippery, so, both me and Mum took the rail for support. I think Mum shouted first but about at the same time we were both attacked by biting ferocious ants, they reallly took some getting rid of, it was as if they had invaded us and got themselves in strategic positions until they sent out "bite" signal...it took a few minutes for each of us to get rid of them (felt longer) and we were left with bitten and stinging hands. When we looked the handrail was infested with the bloody ants, the drop to the gorge looked too steep for Mum to the gorge without support, so, we abandoned that as well and together with the rain, the elements defeated us.
Out to a music bar at night after meeting at roels place, it was his forty something birthday party and it was a good night, plenty of Roels friends there, me and mum a bit tired later so, we ducked out after the 2nd of 3 music sets, that was enough. I bravely got up to sing, but could hear myself singing flat, it was all a bit wierd, wished i hadn't but oops never mind, as they say here next time na lang. and and on that note salamat (goodbye)
1 comment:
An exciting day with natural elements overcoming human endeavour (ants and weather). Good blog this one, I am envious of you having so much to write about....another day at Salford doesn't quite cut it. Off on our trip to see Dan and family, I might just do a blog on that mini trip. cheers Andy
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