Our doctors here have been excellent and Annika's current doctor, Dr Aguelo pediatrician is very much in that mould....professional, caring, thorough and very nice. Sure, at times they get busy and we need to wait for the doctor, but when you see their workload, some small inconveniences are no problems.
Annika has been (touch wood) remarkably healthy but we have been to the doctor loads, mainly for inocculations....but also for check up at the same time and good to get medical opinions for small issues of concern, like feeding and like alergies that Annika has but we haven't bottomed this issue out yet and it only seems to be a skin blotching problem.
Annika gets weighed and measured on every visit and its great to see her progress, in the photos shown she reached 8kgs, and that's 8kgs of solid baby girl.
The system here for medical appointments is good, basically you just pitch up at the doctors if you have anything wrong and take it from there. For Ann when she was pregnant (buntis here) and now for annika she has her own doctor and so appointments are scheduled for the future at the time of the current visit.
The doctors receptionist (pictured) links the doctor to the patients and is inevitably like this girl a lovely person who seems to care, sure they do....
pictured is the hospital, very local to us, 7th day adventist hospital (no idea what that religion is all about) and then the doctors reception room and then a quick one of doctor Aguelo examining Annika, confirming how lovely she is, Annika not the doctor, but she is nice too.
Glad to see that the UK hasn't enticed all the qualified staff from there to work in the NHS, although there are plenty. Sounds good treatment. Cheers Andy.
Andy, as you can imagine doctors here are more or less top of the tree in regards to status and respect, they deserve it.
Medical treatment is excellent, really excellent, one proviso and that is an obvious one, can you get it? (the proviso)....you need money...the Philippines can't afford free health service, in fact its expensive here (relatively) so, if you haven't got cash...or insurance....well trouble ahead....Andy as "we" say in blog land, thanks for commenting, cheers
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