Yes, Annika is very much growing up, she is over 9 months old now. She is mobile....crawling would be over-stating it, she doesn't so much crawl, as shift herself around. Our floors are tiled and think its too hard on her knees to crawl. Her sitting up is now very stable and she can shift from her front, to sitting up by herself.
Her eating is really excellent, she is on solid food like a natural, not baby food, she doesn't like it, it's too bland she likes solid food. Soups and rice of course, vegetables, anything we eat in fact. Of course she can't chew food yet (two bottom teeth appeared last week) but anything else mashed or soft she gets stuck in and basically she doesn't turn anything down, even...we gave her a local lemon equivalent, Clalamansi its called and quite bitter but Annika sucked away on it quite contentedly.
She sleeps with us and this is onerous on Ann, giving her comfort all night, she just won't be put down for sleeping, this is getting a bit rediculous now because she is a "big girl" now but sleep without a cuddle is not on Annikas radar. She still demands Anns breast milk and from the first nuzzle this hasn't been a problem, Ann and Annika are very happy with Anns milk supply and Annika has no dummy or comfort blanket, she is content with nipple comfort.
She has been remarkably healthy but she did get "my" virus a couple of weeks ago which anti biotics cleared up in a week and also she currently has a cold but generally speaking (touch wood) she is very healthy.
So that's Annika update, 9 months and battling on, she is a delight, most pictures are on her 9 month old "birthday", clutching breadstick.
Rick, this is a great update on Annika, couldn't be a much rosier report.
Andy....like you say....how could the report be better...it couldn't.....feeling very lucky at the moment...can't see it changing but fingers crossed
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