Mum met Nathan when she was here, Nathan is (i think, and am sure so does he.....) Davao's best tennis coach. I have been having lessons from Nathan weekly, they are a great work out and also great fun. We discussed what we wanted to do and we settled on NOT trying to re-construct my game.....good decision that but to concentrate on hitting balls and trying to improve things on my game. Its certainly working for me.
I was challenged last week to a set of singles by a guy called Joel who told me he was a class C player. I could have lost but at 3-1 down i tightened up, he started making mistakes and i won 6-3. Joel wanted a replay but i was tired after an hour with Nathan and so declined.
Nathan told me that Joel was the best class C player in the club (GSIS heights) and therefore i was a class B player. I think Nathan may have been being kind but anyway i will take that.
No chance of being class A, you need talent and class for that, so, will settle for class B.
I would say its like golf....club players are handicap 30 and above. Class C are between 20-30. Class B are 10-20 (yeah i am a tennis 20 handicapper) and class A is 0-10, no chance of me getting there, no way.
We play at GSIS because Nathan has had a falling out with "the committee" at Ecoland but anyway GSIS s closer for me and i enjoy to play there. As usual in the Philippnes, everyone is friendly.
Nathan runs 4 times yearly a childrens age event open tournament. It s well run, i would say has a mixed level of participants but at the finals stage the kids dsplay a very high level of talent.
I have been part sponsor (minor sponsor) of the last 2 tournaments and i went for a couple of hours last Saturday morning to watch some finals. One of the under 14's boys is a fantastically talented attacking player, sorry can't remember his name but from the backhand and forehand he was striking the ball wth amazing power and control for someone his age. I felt sorry for the boy playing him who was also a talented player but he got worn down and wilted under the bombardment. Most players would have i can assure you.
Nathan as Mum knows is the chap with a microphone in his hand on one of the pictures...he is announcing the order of play etc
I took a few pictures from the event but also post a cute one of Annika in a wash basin as well just for...well for no reason at all........
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