Annika was 1 yesterday and Germaine was 19.
Where did that first year go?...quickly that's where it went, of course our little girl is growing up fast and we celebrated yesterday.
We were lucky with the weather as heavy thunderstorms were predicted, but fortunately they didn't materialise, it was dry and so it made the party run smoother, it would have been a problem otherwise, as we have a large place and some room in the outside kitchen etc but it would have driven people home early. Anyway it didn't rain and the party went well.
Eating and drinking of course and later dancing, games for the kids and singing naturally.
Germaine has been with us now for about 18months and so we were delighted last year when Annika was born on Germaine's birthday. Germaine and Annika are an item and so we were pleased to celebrate both birthdays at the same party. Germaine had friends and family attend and we had loads and loads, kids, adults, friends, all sorts...see photos, a sample only.
Annika conked out about 9pm, i persuaded Arnel's sister, Vanessa to sit and mind Annika for an hour while she was also watching soap operas, i took over at 10, Ann joined me at 10:30 and then the party went on till 11:30, it was quite a sensible party, not too much hard drinking because it was mid week, i was on the tennis court for 6:15am and had a great game, so, no problems with a hangover there.
Just a few photos, difficult to capture accurately the party with a few photos but also try this flickr link, for more and more and yes...more
i checked back on my own blog and saw the link above does not work, but you can "copy and paste" to your browser and i think anyone will get there.
I forgot to mention the forgotten heroes of the Philippine party( ....and i have a lot of experience now of this ) and that is the ladies (all female) who just pitch in and help, fetching and distributing food drinks and washing up and clearing debris, in our big place, what a mess it would be to clear without this sometimes even unsolicited help. I have seen Aunties turn up for a party here and be greeted by us and then head straight for the kitchen sink to wash up all night...more than once i seen this it makes and helps the party be a pleasure to host.
When i got back from tennis about 9:30am, the garden was swept, the place looked fresh and clean and apart from the poster of Annika and a few balloons no sign of the party existed...selfishly, (could you imagine leaving for tennis in the UK the night after a big party and letting others clear away the debris and detrius?) ....me i went with a clear conscience. This is accepted and normal in the Philippines....one of the many reasons i like it here (selfish male chauvenistic person i am)
Sorry to have missed such an eclectic (big word, correct use I reckon)event, we know Annika will forgive us. Cheers
Thanks Andy....it was a big party for us, Ann was keyed up and her anticipation and expectation rubbed off on me but like all these things they take their own course....weather held, food was great, everyone pitched in...its a massive bonus here i see Aunties arrive, be greeted, and then head straight for the kitchen to wash up and then stay there all night grafting....eclectic and dynamic it was...cheers
Wow a year already.
Congratulations my friends.
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