I was invited by Rocky at the tennis club to join a "boys" trip into the mountains about an hour and a half's drive from Davao to the private weekend cottage of Bobby Co, who is also another tennis friend. I thought it would be interesting and fun and it was.
The place was / is big about 7 hectares and is partly developed, partly wild, he has a weekend retreat house, basic but nice with a large veranda for entertaining which we used later on for eating and drinking (all night) i crashed out at 12 but the drinking went on until 3am, no way i could manage that. We slept on foam roll mat and that was fine...some of the guys (heavy snoring...not me honest) but we got a few hours sleep.
We had a walk and in Philippine style (only in the Philippines we say) a couple of helpers lugged a cool box full of beers up the hill, so we enjoyed the views in and amongst the clouds, while swigging cold beer, it was fine.
The place is 5000 feet in elevation and it was fairly cool and this is what attracts the guys up there the coolness. For me it has less charm than for the Asians and a jacket was required but it was scenic, cool beery and good crack.
We left early morning, dropped rocky off at his home and was back for 10am, pretty knackered but very ok.
Pictures shown are The caretakers cottage, taken from the main house. the main house itself, timber framed. "The guys" at the top enjoying a beer (four others joined later) and a view back down from the top to the main house and surrounding area.